A psycho-spiritual journey in peace, vitality, resilience, and faith.

Honoring Sacrifice...Desiring Peace

Posted by Adriene Nicastro-Santos on Saturday, November 18, 2017 Under: Spirituality

Honoring Sacrifice...Desiring Peace

by Adriene Nicastro-Santos

The happy in Happy Memorial Day sometimes feels like such a mis-fitting holiday wish. Memorials tend to be inherently sad and the energy of these days can bring old, unhealed loss rushing to the surface.

Fortunately, through better understanding we can learn to celebrate loved ones who have passed across the veil. Our honoring, toasting, and loving promenade down memory lane helps us heal. And when can remember that they are free of a cumbersome body, ever surrounded by divine helpers and passed loved ones, we find rest knowing they are welcomed so lovingly Home.

I asked myself this morning, how do I offer a Happy Memorial Day with the mindset of peace, knowing how much I don't support war and conflict? How do I offer love to those suffering with loss, making sure to not ignore any residual unhealed loss in myself? Here it goes...
  • To all the young and the old, all the men and women, who have selflessly sacrificed for what they believed was important, valuable, and honorable, I thank you.
  • To those who suffered through conflict, strife, and war, I lovingly lift you into the consciousness of peace, compassion, and brotherhood/sisterhood. 
  • To all those still living in a war-torn landscape, I lovingly lift you in light and love that you come to know you no longer need to struggle and be in pain.
  • To all those who have passed in my life, I thank you for the lessons...what appears to be "bad" and what I see as "good", knowing all lessons are gifts for my highest good.
  • To all those still mourning loss in all its various and sundry forms, may you find solace, comfort, and peace knowing you are never alone and love is never, ever lost.
  • And to a world, seemingly consumed with fear and conflict, I lift all living things into the consciousness of peace and unity; that we grow to be a world not just free from war, but one that abides in oneness knowing that every stone cast creates an endless ripple. Let that stone be love
Please join us Sundays at 7:00 pm, Tuesdays at 8:00 pm and Thursdays at 7:30 pm for Global Healing Meditations. Keep an eye out for our live broadcasts, too when we are able.

Many blessings and joy on this holiday dedicated to remembering,

In : Spirituality 

Tags: memorial day  honoring loss  honoring sacrifice  peace  higher consciousness 

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